package edu.northwestern.cbits.purple_robot_manager.probes.features; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NonMonotonicSequenceException; import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.DftNormalization; import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.FastFourierTransformer; import org.apache.commons.math3.transform.TransformType; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathArrays; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.CheckBoxPreference; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.preference.PreferenceScreen; import; import; import edu.northwestern.cbits.purple_robot_manager.R; import edu.northwestern.cbits.purple_robot_manager.activities.settings.FlexibleListPreference; import edu.northwestern.cbits.purple_robot_manager.probes.builtin.ContinuousProbe; public abstract class XYZBasicFrequencyFeature extends ContinuousProbeFeature { private static final boolean INTERPOLATED_ENABLED = false; private static final boolean BANDPASS_ENABLED = false; private static final boolean LOWPASS_ENABLED = false; private static final String DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = "60"; protected static int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; private double[] _xValues = new double[BUFFER_SIZE]; private double[] _yValues = new double[BUFFER_SIZE]; private double[] _zValues = new double[BUFFER_SIZE]; private double[] _timestamps = new double[BUFFER_SIZE]; private double[] _xBPHistory = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; private double[] _yBPHistory = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; private double[] _zBPHistory = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; private double[] _xLPHistory = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; private double[] _yLPHistory = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; private double[] _zLPHistory = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; private int _currentIndex = 0; private long _lastUpdate = 0; double interTimes[]; private class Reading { public double t; public double x; public double y; public double z; private Reading(double t, double x, double y, double z) { this.t = t; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } } private void appendValues(float[] incomingX, float[] incomingY, float[] incomingZ, double[] ts) { if (this._currentIndex + ts.length > BUFFER_SIZE) { int shift = this._currentIndex + ts.length - BUFFER_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE - shift; i++) { _xValues[i] = _xValues[i + shift]; _yValues[i] = _yValues[i + shift]; _zValues[i] = _zValues[i + shift]; _timestamps[i] = _timestamps[i + shift]; } int offset = BUFFER_SIZE - shift; for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) { _xValues[offset + i] = (double) incomingX[i]; _yValues[offset + i] = (double) incomingY[i]; _zValues[offset + i] = (double) incomingZ[i]; _timestamps[offset + i] = ts[i] / 1000; } this._currentIndex = offset + ts.length; // Should be BUFFER_SIZE } else { for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) { _xValues[this._currentIndex + i] = (double) incomingX[i]; _yValues[this._currentIndex + i] = (double) incomingY[i]; _zValues[this._currentIndex + i] = (double) incomingZ[i]; _timestamps[this._currentIndex + i] = ts[i] / 1000; } this._currentIndex += ts.length; } // Log.e("PR", "Raw Timestamp: " + ts[ts.length-1]); ArrayList<Reading> readings = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < this._currentIndex; i++) { readings.add(new Reading(_timestamps[i], _xValues[i], _yValues[i], _zValues[i])); } boolean ordered = false; while (ordered == false) { try { Collections.sort(readings, new Comparator<Reading>() { public int compare(Reading one, Reading two) { if ((two.t - one.t) > 0) return -1; else if ((two.t - one.t) < 0) return 1; return 0; } }); double[] testTimestamps = new double[readings.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < readings.size(); i++) { Reading r = readings.get(i); testTimestamps[i] = r.t; if (i > 1 && testTimestamps[i] == testTimestamps[i - 1]) { double newTime = (testTimestamps[i - 2] + testTimestamps[i]) / 2; testTimestamps[i - 1] = newTime; readings.get(i - 1).t = newTime; } } MathArrays.checkOrder(testTimestamps); ordered = true; for (int i = 0; i < readings.size(); i++) { Reading r = readings.get(i); _timestamps[i] = r.t; _xValues[i] = r.x; _yValues[i] = r.y; _zValues[i] = r.z; } } catch (NonMonotonicSequenceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected void processData(final Context context, Bundle dataBundle) { if (dataBundle.containsKey(ContinuousProbe.EVENT_TIMESTAMP) && dataBundle.containsKey("X") && dataBundle.containsKey("Y") && dataBundle.containsKey("Z")) { double[] incomingTimes = dataBundle.getDoubleArray(ContinuousProbe.EVENT_TIMESTAMP); float[] incomingX = dataBundle.getFloatArray("X"); float[] incomingY = dataBundle.getFloatArray("Y"); float[] incomingZ = dataBundle.getFloatArray("Z"); this.appendValues(incomingX, incomingY, incomingZ, incomingTimes); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final String key = this.featureKey(); final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); long updateInterval = Long.parseLong(prefs.getString("config_probe_" + key + "_frequency", XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY)) * 1000; if (now - this._lastUpdate > updateInterval) // add last updated // check for config { this._lastUpdate = now; LinearInterpolator interpolator = new LinearInterpolator(); double[] xs = _xValues; double[] ys = _yValues; double[] zs = _zValues; double[] ts = _timestamps; if (this._currentIndex < BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { xs = Arrays.copyOfRange(_xValues, 0, this._currentIndex); ys = Arrays.copyOfRange(_yValues, 0, this._currentIndex); zs = Arrays.copyOfRange(_zValues, 0, this._currentIndex); ts = Arrays.copyOfRange(_timestamps, 0, this._currentIndex); } // Log.e("PR", "FIRST RAW TIME: " + ts[0] + " LAST RAW TIME: " + // ts[ts.length - 1]); // Log.e("PR", "RAW TIME[0]: " + ts[0]); // Log.e("PR", "RAW TIME[1]: " + ts[1]); PolynomialSplineFunction fX = interpolator.interpolate(ts, xs); PolynomialSplineFunction fY = interpolator.interpolate(ts, ys); PolynomialSplineFunction fZ = interpolator.interpolate(ts, zs); // double lowFreq = 0.6; // double highFreq = 7.0; double durationOffset = ts[0]; double bufferDuration = ts[ts.length - 1] - durationOffset; double interval = 1.0 / 120.0; // Log.e("PR", "TS/0: " + ts[0] + " -- TS/-1: " + ts[ts.length - // 1] + " -- LEN TS: " + ts.length); // Log.e("PR", "BD: " + bufferDuration + " INT: " + interval); int twoPow = ts.length == 0 ? 0 : (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(ts.length - 1)); int bufferSize = (int) Math.pow(2, twoPow); // Log.e("PR", "BUFF SIZE: " + bufferSize); final double[] _interX = new double[bufferSize]; final double[] _interY = new double[bufferSize]; final double[] _interZ = new double[bufferSize]; Arrays.fill(_interX, 0.0); Arrays.fill(_interY, 0.0); Arrays.fill(_interZ, 0.0); interTimes = new double[bufferSize]; for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) { interTimes[i] = durationOffset + (i * interval); // Log.e("PR", "TIME REQUEST: " + time); // Log.e("PR", "TIME DIFFERENCE: " + (oldTime - time)); if (interTimes[i] > ts[ts.length - 1]) // If the current // timestamp is // greater than the // last recorded // timestamp, set it // to the last // timestamp interTimes[i] = ts[ts.length - 1]; _interX[i] = fX.value(interTimes[i]); _interY[i] = fY.value(interTimes[i]); _interZ[i] = fZ.value(interTimes[i]); } // double timeDifference = interTimes[bufferSize - 1] - // interTimes[0]; // Log.e("PR", "INTERP TIME: " + timeDifference + // " BUFFER SIZE: " + bufferSize); // Log.e("PR", "FIRST INTERP TIME: " + interTimes[0] + // " LAST INTERP TIME: " + interTimes[interTimes.length - 1]); // Log.e("PR", "INTERP SAMPLE: " + interX[bufferSize - 1] + // " - " + interY[bufferSize - 1] + " - " + interZ[bufferSize - // 1]); final double[] _dynamicX = new double[_interX.length]; final double[] _dynamicY = new double[_interY.length]; final double[] _dynamicZ = new double[_interZ.length]; final double[] _staticX = new double[_interX.length]; final double[] _staticY = new double[_interY.length]; final double[] _staticZ = new double[_interZ.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _interX.length; i++) { if (i < 2) { _dynamicX[i] = 0; _dynamicY[i] = 0; _dynamicZ[i] = 0; _staticX[i] = 0; _staticY[i] = 0; _staticZ[i] = 0; } else { if (i == _dynamicX.length - 1) { _dynamicX[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interX, this._xBPHistory, i, "X"); _dynamicY[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interY, this._yBPHistory, i, "Y"); _dynamicZ[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interZ, this._zBPHistory, i, "Z"); _staticX[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interX, this._xLPHistory, i, "X"); _staticY[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interY, this._yLPHistory, i, "Y"); _staticZ[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interZ, this._zLPHistory, i, "Z"); } else { _dynamicX[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interX, this._xBPHistory, i, null); _dynamicY[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interY, this._yBPHistory, i, null); _dynamicZ[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.bpFilter(_interZ, this._zBPHistory, i, null); _staticX[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interX, this._xLPHistory, i, null); _staticY[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interY, this._yLPHistory, i, null); _staticZ[i] = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.lpFilter(_interZ, this._zLPHistory, i, null); } this._xBPHistory[1] = this._xBPHistory[0]; this._xBPHistory[0] = _dynamicX[i]; this._yBPHistory[1] = this._yBPHistory[0]; this._yBPHistory[0] = _dynamicY[i]; this._zBPHistory[1] = this._zBPHistory[0]; this._zBPHistory[0] = _dynamicZ[i]; this._xLPHistory[1] = this._xLPHistory[0]; this._xLPHistory[0] = _staticX[i]; this._yLPHistory[1] = this._yLPHistory[0]; this._yLPHistory[0] = _staticY[i]; this._zLPHistory[1] = this._zLPHistory[0]; this._zLPHistory[0] = _staticZ[i]; } } // Log.e("PR", "Inter Sample: " + _interX[_interX.length - 1] + // " - " + _interY[_interX.length - 1] + " - " + // _interZ[_interX.length - 1]); // Log.e("PR", "DY Sample: " + _dynamicX[_dynamicX.length - 1] + // " - " + _dynamicY[_dynamicX.length - 1] + " - " + // _dynamicZ[_interX.length - 1]); // Log.e("PR", "GR Sample: " + _staticX[_staticX.length - 1] + // " - " + _staticY[_staticY.length - 1] + " - " + // _staticZ[_staticZ.length - 1]); double observedFreq = _interX.length / bufferDuration; // (((double) // this._currentIndex) // / // bufferDuration); // Log.e("PR", "IL: + " + _interX.length + " / BD: " + // bufferDuration); // Log.e("PR", "OBS HZ: " + observedFreq); FastFourierTransformer fft = new FastFourierTransformer(DftNormalization.STANDARD); Complex[] xFFT = fft.transform(_dynamicX, TransformType.FORWARD); Complex[] yFFT = fft.transform(_dynamicY, TransformType.FORWARD); Complex[] zFFT = fft.transform(_dynamicZ, TransformType.FORWARD); double[] frequencies = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.calculateFreqArray(_interX.length, observedFreq); final double[] _xMaxFreqPowPair = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.findPeakFrequency(xFFT, frequencies); final double[] _yMaxFreqPowPair = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.findPeakFrequency(yFFT, frequencies); final double[] _zMaxFreqPowPair = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.findPeakFrequency(zFFT, frequencies); // Log.e("PR", "FREQS & GEEKS: x:" + _xMaxFreqPowPair[0] + " - " // + _xMaxFreqPowPair[1] + " y:" + _yMaxFreqPowPair[0] + " - " + // _yMaxFreqPowPair[1] + " z:" + _zMaxFreqPowPair[0] + " - " + // _zMaxFreqPowPair[1] ); final XYZBasicFrequencyFeature me = this; Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putDouble("TIMESTAMP", now / 1000); data.putString("PROBE",; boolean incInterpolated = prefs.getBoolean("config_probe_" + key + "_interpolated_enabled", XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.INTERPOLATED_ENABLED); boolean incBandpass = prefs.getBoolean("config_probe_" + key + "_bandpass_enabled", XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.BANDPASS_ENABLED); boolean incLowpass = prefs.getBoolean("config_probe_" + key + "_lowpass_enabled", XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.LOWPASS_ENABLED); if (incInterpolated || incBandpass || incLowpass) { Bundle sensorData = new Bundle(); synchronized (me) { sensorData.putDoubleArray("INTERP_TIMESTAMPS", interTimes); if (incInterpolated) { sensorData.putDoubleArray("INTER_X", _interX); sensorData.putDoubleArray("INTER_Y", _interY); sensorData.putDoubleArray("INTER_Z", _interZ); } if (incBandpass) { sensorData.putDoubleArray("DYNAMIC_X", _dynamicX); sensorData.putDoubleArray("DYNAMIC_Y", _dynamicY); sensorData.putDoubleArray("DYNAMIC_Z", _dynamicZ); } if (incLowpass) { sensorData.putDoubleArray("STATIC_X", _staticX); sensorData.putDoubleArray("STATIC_Y", _staticY); sensorData.putDoubleArray("STATIC_Z", _staticZ); } data.putBundle("CALCULATIONS", sensorData); } } data.putDouble("WINDOW_TIMESTAMP", interTimes[0]); data.putDouble("POWER_X", _xMaxFreqPowPair[1]); data.putDouble("POWER_Y", _yMaxFreqPowPair[1]); data.putDouble("POWER_Z", _zMaxFreqPowPair[1]); data.putDouble("FREQ_X", _xMaxFreqPowPair[0]); data.putDouble("FREQ_Y", _yMaxFreqPowPair[0]); data.putDouble("FREQ_Z", _zMaxFreqPowPair[0]); me.transmitData(context, data); } }; Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); } } } private static double[] findPeakFrequency(Complex[] samples, double[] frequencies) { int FREQUENCY_INDEX = 0; int POWER_INDEX = 1; double[] returnFrequencyPowerPair = { -1, -1 }; double max = Double.MIN_NORMAL; int index = -1; int singleSide = (samples.length / 2); for (int i = 0; i < singleSide; i++) { double value = 2 * Math.abs(samples[i].getReal()); if (value > max) { max = value; index = i; } } if (index >= 0) { returnFrequencyPowerPair[FREQUENCY_INDEX] = frequencies[index]; returnFrequencyPowerPair[POWER_INDEX] = 2 * Math.abs(samples[index].getReal()); } // return frequencies[index]; return returnFrequencyPowerPair; } private static double[] calculateFreqArray(int numSamples, double maxFrequency) { double[] freqs = new double[numSamples]; double stepSize = 1.0 / (double) (numSamples - 1); for (int i = 0; i < freqs.length; i++) { freqs[i] = (maxFrequency / 2) * (stepSize * i); } // Log.e("PR", "STATED: " + maxFrequency + " -- OBS: " + // freqs[freqs.length - 1]); return freqs; } public static double bpFilter(double[] inputs, double[] outputs, int offset, String label) { // Magic numbers: M is for MatLab... double[] beta = { 0.15442873388844763, 0, -0.15442873388844763 }; double[] alpha = { 1, -1.6806066079606878, 0.69114253222310462 }; double betaComponent = 0.0; double alphaComponent = 0.0; double presentOutput = 0; for (int k = 0; k <= 2; k++) { betaComponent = betaComponent + (beta[k] * inputs[offset - k]); // = b(0)*inputs(n) + b(1)*inputs(n - 1) + b(2)*inputs(n - 2) } for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { alphaComponent = alphaComponent + (alpha[j] * outputs[j - 1]); // = a(1)*outputs(0) + a(2)*outputs(1) } presentOutput = betaComponent - alphaComponent; // if (label != null) // { // Log.e("PR", "BP LABEL " + label); // Log.e("PR", "BETA[" + betaComponent + "/" + alphaComponent +"] = " + // presentOutput); // } // presentOutput = presentOutput / FILTER_SCALING_FACTOR; // Not a huge advantage using doubles to begin with! return presentOutput; } public static double lpFilter(double[] inputs, double[] outputs, int offset, String label) { // Magic numbers: M is for MatLab... double[] beta = { 0.00024135904904198073, 0.0004827180980838, 0.00024135904904198073 }; double[] alpha = { 1, -1.9555782403150355, 0.95654367651120342 }; double betaComponent = 0.0; double alphaComponent = 0.0; double presentOutput = 0; for (int k = 0; k <= 2; k++) { betaComponent = betaComponent + (beta[k] * inputs[offset - k]); // = b(0)*inputs(n) + b(1)*inputs(n - 1) + b(2)*inputs(n - 2) } for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { alphaComponent = alphaComponent + (alpha[j] * outputs[j - 1]); // = a(1)*outputs(0) + a(2)*outputs(1) } presentOutput = 0 - alphaComponent + betaComponent; // if (label != null) // { // Log.e("PR", "LP LABEL " + label); // Log.e("PR", "BETA[" + betaComponent + "/" + alphaComponent +"] = " + // presentOutput); // } return presentOutput; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static double[] lowPassFilter(double[] values, double interval, double lowFreq, double highFreq) { double tau = 1 / interval; // Back to seconds... double dt = 1.0 / lowFreq; double a = tau / (tau + dt); double last = values[0]; double[] newValues = new double[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < newValues.length; i++) { last = XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.weightedSmoothing(values[i], last, a); newValues[i] = last; } return newValues; } private static double weightedSmoothing(double value, double last, double a) { return (last * (1.0 - a)) + (value * a); } public PreferenceScreen preferenceScreen(Context context, PreferenceManager manager) { PreferenceScreen screen = super.preferenceScreen(context, manager); String key = this.featureKey(); // Include interpolated // Include bandpass (dynamic) // Include lowpass (static) FlexibleListPreference duration = new FlexibleListPreference(context); duration.setKey("config_probe_" + key + "_frequency"); duration.setEntryValues(R.array.frequency_probe_duration_values); duration.setEntries(R.array.frequency_probe_duration_labels); duration.setTitle(R.string.probe_frequency_label); duration.setDefaultValue(XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY); screen.addPreference(duration); CheckBoxPreference interpolated = new CheckBoxPreference(context); interpolated.setTitle(R.string.title_enable_interpolated_probe); interpolated.setKey("config_probe_" + key + "_interpolated_enabled"); interpolated.setDefaultValue(XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.INTERPOLATED_ENABLED); screen.addPreference(interpolated); CheckBoxPreference bandpass = new CheckBoxPreference(context); bandpass.setTitle(R.string.title_enable_bandpass_probe); bandpass.setKey("config_probe_" + key + "_bandpass_enabled"); bandpass.setDefaultValue(XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.BANDPASS_ENABLED); screen.addPreference(bandpass); CheckBoxPreference lowpass = new CheckBoxPreference(context); lowpass.setTitle(R.string.title_enable_lowpass_probe); lowpass.setKey("config_probe_" + key + "_lowpass_enabled"); lowpass.setDefaultValue(XYZBasicFrequencyFeature.LOWPASS_ENABLED); screen.addPreference(lowpass); return screen; } public String summarizeValue(Context context, Bundle bundle) { double powerX = bundle.getDouble("POWER_X"); double powerY = bundle.getDouble("POWER_Y"); double powerZ = bundle.getDouble("POWER_Z"); double freqX = bundle.getDouble("FREQ_X"); double freqY = bundle.getDouble("FREQ_Y"); double freqZ = bundle.getDouble("FREQ_Z"); return String.format(context.getResources().getString(R.string.summary_frequency_statistics_feature), freqX, freqY, freqZ, powerX, powerY, powerZ); } }